Transform Your Parenting Journey!

Empower Yourself with Mindset Coaching for Happier, Calmer, and More Confident Parenting

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Frequently Asked

What is a mental fitness coach, and how can it benefit me?

Mindset coaching empowers you to recognize and shift the thoughts and beliefs that impact your parenting and overall happiness. By identifying the Saboteurs in your autopilot mind, and strengthening your inner superpowers, you can improve your relationships and navigate parenting challenges more calmly, effectively, and successfully.

How does my mindset affect my parenting?

In every way! Your mindset will either support or sabotage your parenting. A positive, growth-oriented mindset empowers you to stay calm, make better decisions, and model confidence for your children. Shifting your mindset will create a more balanced, supportive, and happy family environment.

Why is parenting teens and tweens challenging?

As kids grow, their needs and behaviors change, and require a shift in your parenting approach. Balancing authority with flexibility can be challenging, but is essential for healthy transitions. Mental fitness makes it easier than ever!

What can I expect from your coaching?

Support, communication, LIVE coaching, accountability, experience, and compassion. Plus, the signature Positive Intelligence app to build your practice between coaching sessions. 

Preview the app here: 

PQ® Program

How can I manage the shift in parenting roles as my kids get older?

It’s normal for parenting roles to evolve as children grow. Embrace the changes by staying flexible, open to learning, and maintaining strong communication with your kids. Coaching will provide you with tools to navigate these transitions smoothly.

Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or need further clarification. I’m here to support you on your parenting journey.


The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.” – Peggy O’Mara


Model being gentle with yourself so it rubs off on your kids. – Barb Kornbrath

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