From Chaos to Connection: Confident Parenting Starts Here

Positive Parenting with Barb Kornbrath

Empowering Parents, One Mindset at a Time

Embrace Personal Growth

Discover Your True Self:
Unlock your full potential as a parent by taking the free self-awareness Saboteur Assessment. Gain insights into your mindset and identify areas for growth.

Explore Your Path Forward

Book a complimentary 60-minute discovery session to discuss your assessment results, set goals, and explore how we can work together to empower your parenting journey toward personal growth and stronger connections with your kids.

Cultivate Mental Fitness

Enroll in Barb’s six to twelve-week private or small-group coaching programs. Learn effective strategies to manage stress and respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than negative mindset.

Build Stronger Communication Skills

Empowered parenting starts with empathetic and clear communication. Discover how to separate from your conditioned mind and cultivate a positive mindset to become the best parent you can be.

Guiding You Through the Tweens, Teens, and Beyond Parenting Journey

Empowering Parents: Navigate Challenges, Raise Confident Kids

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the ups and downs of parenting?

Without support, stress, guilt, and overwhelm can take over, leaving you feeling disconnected from your children and constantly anxious about your parenting choices.

At “I’m a Good Parent,” Barb supports parents in transforming their parenting approach with confidence, calmness, and compassion.

Through personalized coaching programs, she helps shift autopilot parenting into intentional, mindful approaches, nurturing mental fitness and emotional resilience.

Barb’s mission is to provide you with the tools to conquer stress and embody your best self for your children.

By embracing the present and trusting the journey, you can build resilient, deeply connected parent-child relationships at every stage. Let’s ditch the anxiety, regret, and disconnect, and reclaim your inner superpowers for the best parenting journey and legacy possible!

Take Action Now: Don’t let stress and overwhelm dictate your parenting journey. Book your complimentary discovery call today to explore how Barb’s coaching programs can empower you to raise confident, happy kids.

What Will You Create Through Mental Fitness Coaching?

Concerned About Your Child’s Emotional Well-being?

Equip yourself with the tools to model emotional intelligence and create a nurturing, supportive environment for your child’s growth.

Overwhelmed and Stressed?

Manage stress and maintain calm in the heat of the moment for improved understanding and connection with your children.

Desiring Deeper Connections?

Incorporate mental fitness exercises throughout the day to gain clarity, peace of mind, and focus, helping you become the parent you aspire to be.

Transform Parenting Challenges into Growth Opportunities

Create a resilient and adaptive approach to parenting that benefits both you and your children, nurtuting a positive, growth-oriented family dynamic.

Experience Growth Like No Other

Equip both yourself and your children with the tools for emotional resilience, ensuring lasting harmony and well-being.

Is Stress Affecting Your Child’s Well-Being?

At “I’m a Good Parent,” Barb knows the difficulties you face in managing stress and emotions while trying to maintain a positive relationship with your children.

Her personalized coaching programs empower you to overcome these struggles and nurture better communication, emotional resilience, and a supportive environment for your kids’ well-being.

Build Emotional Intelligence Together

Learn and practice emotional intelligence to set an example for your children. Our coaching sessions focus on developing your emotional resilience, enabling you to navigate difficult situations with grace and composure.

Reconnect with Your Conscious Self

Interrupt the autopilot mind and recapture your conscious self. Together, we’ll rebuild your ability to tap into empathy, curiosity, creative thinking, and wisdom—essential superpowers for navigating parenting challenges with clarity and purpose.

Build Your Calm, Clear-Headed Action Plan

Through your coaching sessions, you’ll develop a personalized action plan that supports your ‘why’ and aligns with your best parenting intentions.

Whether you’re exploring mindset shifts, building emotional intelligence, enhancing relationship dynamics, or implementing personal growth strategies, you’ll emerge with renewed clarity, confidence, and resilience.

Achieve Your Parenting Goals:

Designed for parents committed to achieving their relationship goals and transforming their mindsets for better wellness and success, our coaching helps you create deeply fulfilling connections with yourself and your kids.

Commit to Change:

If you’re ready to fully commit, Barb is here to guide you every step of the way, helping you build sustainable changes that lead to profound personal and relationship growth.

A Personal Journey: From Struggles to Strength

I Am You

I’ve been where you are. As a parent navigating the rollercoaster of tweens, teens, and beyond, I know firsthand the stress, anxiety, and overwhelm that can arise. I only wish I had discovered mental fitness decades ago. My journey from autopilot parenting to conscious, mindful parenting has transformed my relationships with my children and myself. I’m here to share what I’ve learned and help you on your path.

Creating a Legacy of Mental Fitness: Mental fitness isn’t just for parents; it’s a legacy to be passed down through generations. By rewiring your mind from autopilot to conscious parenting, you transform your parenting approach and equip your children with the tools to manage their emotions and stress effectively. Imagine the positive impact of these skills on your children’s lives and their future families.

Join Barb in Building a Legacy: When you invest in mental fitness, you are creating a legacy of emotional well-being that will benefit your children and future generations. Let’s work together to create calm parenting for a connected and thriving family environment. My personalized coaching programs empower you and your children, ensuring that mental fitness becomes a lifelong, successful practice.

Ready to Transform Your Parenting? Prioritize your mental and emotional well-being and embark on a journey of growth and self-discovery for empowered parenting and happy, thriving kids at all ages.

Let’s Connect! Discover how mental fitness parent coaching will support you in achieving your parenting goals. Together, we’ll create a fulfilling, connected, and happy family life.

Sign up for my free weekly newsletter, The Better Parenting Hub. Details HERE:

Jo Helen shares: 

“As our children grew, I realized I needed help. Reaching out to Barb Kornbrath transformed my parenting. Her wealth of knowledge and mental fitness programs made me a better parent. Embrace her guidance and discover the good life. This stuff works!”

How It Works

Discover Your Inner Saboteurs

Unlock your full parenting potential with mental fitness. This isn’t just about managing challenges—it’s about transforming them into opportunities for growth and deeper connections.

Take the Positive Intelligence Assessment to identify the mental characters sabotaging your best parenting efforts.

Awareness is the first step toward change.

Click HERE to take the free Saboteur Assessment:



Book Your Complimentary Discovery Call

Let’s turn your struggles into strengths. During your complimentary call, we’ll discuss your parenting challenges, review your assessment results, and explore how they impact each other.

Together, we’ll find the coaching program that best fits your needs, setting you on the path to better parenting.

Click HERE to book a free discovery call:


Choose Your Path to Transformation

Transform your perspective, energy, approach, and outcomes with mental fitness.

Experience less stress and build deeper connections with your family.

Choose the coaching program that aligns with your goals and start your journey towards a happier, more connected family today.

Benefits of Barb’s Coaching Programs

At “I’m a Good Parent,” Barb’s coaching programs are uniquely designed to transform your parenting approach, offering powerful benefits through live coaching and the Positive Intelligence app:

  • Enhanced Neural Pathways: Strengthen your brain with 3 specific mind-strengthening exercises, developing a more conscious and thoughtful parenting style.
  • In-Depth Understanding: Comprehensive weekly lessons deepen your knowledge of Positive Intelligence and its application to parenting.
  • Daily Positive Habits: Drop into the gym for small, daily exercises to help you build and maintain positive mental habits effortlessly.
  • Expert Insights: Gain access to the first 8 chapters of Shirzad Chamine’s best-selling book, “Positive Intelligence,” filled with practical strategies. 

Research shows that 80% of sustained success comes from consistent practice. Our app ensures you’re continually building the neural circuitry needed for conscious parenting.

Barb’s 60-minute LIVE coaching sessions further support your journey, addressing your specific challenges and mindset. This unique combination of app-based practice and personalized coaching provides a comprehensive and effective approach to becoming the calm, understanding, and supportive parent you want to be.

Start your transformation today with Barb’s proven coaching programs!

For a preview of the Positive Intelligence app, click HERE: Positive Intelligence Program

Private Coaching Packages

6 Week Private Coaching Packages

Feeling overwhelmed with parenting? Struggling to manage the chaos and stress?

Without action, stress and frustration can continue to mount, straining your relationship with your child and leaving you feeling burnt out and less than.

Barb’s 6-week Coaching Program is designed for busy schedules, offering focused, one-on-one LIVE support.

You’ll engage in weekly 60-minute sessions with Barb, complemented by the Positive Intelligence app for daily practice.

This combination ensures you build the mental muscle to become a calmer, more confident parent.

Let’s determine if we’re a good fit—details and prices will be discussed during your complimentary discovery call.

Julie Shares…

“While many other parenting programs teach you ‘what’ to do or not to do, the mental fitness program uniquely teaches you ‘how’ to practice those concepts and tools in the heat of the moment. It’s truly life-changing!” 

8-12 Week Private Coaching Package

Looking for more support and accountability in your parenting approach?

Continuing to face the same challenges without support can lead to persistent stress, missed opportunities for connection, and feelings of regret.

Barb’s 8-12 Week Private Coaching package offers extended support, accountability, and personalized guidance. This program is perfect for solidifying your mental fitness and parenting skills.

Barb will talk about details and prices will be discussed during your complimentary discovery call.

Shelley shares…

When I started working with Barb, I was an emotional wreck. The (mental fitness) techniques I’ve learned from Barb have helped me take control of my thoughts and emotions, instead of them controlling me. I’ve learned to forgive myself and move forward with compassion.” 

Group Coaching Packages

7 Week Small Group Coaching

Want to join a supportive community of like-minded parents?

Navigating parenting challenges alone can be isolating and overwhelming, leading to missed chances for shared learning and support.

Barb’s 7-week group coaching program allows you to experience the journey with other parents in a small group setting.

Benefit from shared experiences and collective wisdom, using the same effective practices as in private coaching.

You can also build your own group with friends or family for a discounted rate.

Barb discusses all details and prices during the complimentary discovery call.

Ashley shares…

“My only regret is not having mental fitness years ago, I would have saved myself a lot of anxiety!”




Coach Barb’s just a click away…