Welcome to Transformative Parenting

Empower Your Parenting Journey with Barb Kornbrath, Certified Mental Fitness Coach

Welcome to ‘I’m a Good Parent!’ I empower parents to navigate challenges with calmness, focus, and confidence. Parenthood isn’t easy, but you’re not alone — I’ve been there too.

I’m here to remind you that even on the roughest days, you are a good parent. You are worthy, and you are enough. Regardless of what your inner Judge says, what others say, what your job or income is — you are a good parent. 

Together we’ll transform obstacles into growth lessons. With mental fitness, you’ll retrain your brain to model unconditional love. Your emotional intelligence will grow and rub off on your kids, who in turn, will thrive. 

It’s possible to be free from your triggers, anxiety, and limiting beliefs, and it’s my job to show you how. When you’re ready for positive change, I’m here to support you every step of the way! – Barb

Barb’s Story

As a 63-year-old mom, my biggest regret is not becoming mentally fit decades ago. If I had known then what I know now, I could have saved myself and my kids from years of unnecessary stress and those knee-jerk reactions we all fall into. And I’m not alone—every parent I work with echoes the same sentiment: “If only this had been available to me years ago…”

For years, I did the best I could with the knowledge and resources I had. But too often, I was stuck in false parenting, relying on autopilot habits and limiting beliefs that made me more controlling and less connected to my kids.

Everything changed when I was introduced to mental fitness. It opened my eyes to how deeply my conditioned habits were sabotaging my ability to be present and supportive of my kids. Once I integrated mental fitness techniques, I began to parent from a place of calm, awareness, and compassion instead of reactivity.

Now, I get to empower other parents to reclaim their truest selves sooner rather than later. With the right tools, practice, and support, you too can break free from those sabotaging beliefs and parent from a supportive mind, not a reactive one. 

I’ve been where you are: wanting to be the best parent possible but feeling weighed down by stress, guilt, and overwhelm. I used to parent on false autopilot, reacting instead of responding. That was then, this is now. Now I get to build a legacy of love for my kids and grandchildren, one that eluded me before. And you can do the same.

I’m curious—what brought you to this space? Why are you questioning who you are as a parent? How long have you longed for change? We all want to create a parenting journey where our kids feel loved, supported, and thrive, no matter what.

Let’s chat. I don’t know of any other way to create the sustainable change you desire and deserve. But I do know how to get you there—the same methods that have transformed my life and countless others.

Your mindset will make or break you through every stage of parenting. I hope I’ve sparked your curiosity, and I look forward to meeting you as we build a new parenting legacy—one where both you and your children thrive.

Welcome to “I’m a Good Parent.”

What Makes Barb Unique

Empathetic and Safe Coaching Environment

I am committed to being an empathetic coach. I provide a safe, non-judgmental space for your vulnerable journey to unfold. I understand the emotional toll of balancing parenthood and life transitions. I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Growth Mindset

I trust in the power of a growth mindset, especially during life’s greatest challenges. Setbacks and challenges are opportunities for parents and children to learn and grow.

Fixed mindsets keep us stuck in tunnel vision and negative emotions. Trust me, we don’t want to parent from a fixed mindset. I’m here to empower you to seek growth.

Practical and Holistic Approach

My coaching offers a holistic approach. It addresses both the practical and emotional aspects of parenting. I provide proven tools and strategies that you can easily integrate into your daily life. We all know if it’s not easy, it won’t be sustainable. Mental fitness builds new neural circuitry for sustainable results.

Rewiring Your Mind for Superpower Parenting

I specialize in helping parents rewire their minds for conscious parenting. Our minds either support or sabotage us. They aren’t capable of doing both at the same time. Mental fitness rewires your mind to strengthen the region that supports you. Your best parenting decisions come from a growth mindset. The good news is that you get to choose!

Embracing Failure as Feedback

“Failure” is a matter of perspective. It’s an inevitable piece of our parenting journey. It offers powerful feedback that fuels growth. I help you see ‘failures’ as stepping stones for improvement. Then, you get to proudly model this courageous practice to your kids!

Community and Connection

I build a sense of community among like-minded parents. Imagine a safe space to share experiences and gain insights from others just like you. It’s important to remember, you’re not alone on this journey.

Empowered Parenting

Always remember, you are a good parent. With the practice of mental fitness, I assure you that you’ll be even better. My coaching empowers you to adopt a mindset that supports your growth and enhances your parenting skills, leading to more ease and flow in your daily life.

Barb's Promise

Barb aims to provide a comprehensive and impactful coaching experience. She works one-on-one, or in small groups, to maintain a supportive environment. You’re never considered to be ‘just a number’. Your success and happiness are Barb’s pledge to you.

Together We Will:

Step 1: Embrace Personal Growth

Join me on a journey to rediscover your true self and unlock your full potential. Together, we’ll explore the beliefs and patterns that may be holding you back from experiencing the relationships and life you desire.

Start by taking the free self-awareness/Saboteur Assessment to gain insights into your mindset and identify areas for growth:


Step 2: Explore Your Path Forward

Book a free 60-minute discovery call to discuss your assessment results and goals, and explore how we can work together to empower your journey towards personal and relational fulfillment.

Step 3: Build Mental Fitness

Mental fitness is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

Investing in your mental fitness is key to unlocking your inner strength and clarity for big-picture thinking, essential for effective parenting. Through a structured coaching program, we’ll embark on a transformative journey to build your mental well-being and empower you to navigate life’s challenges with clarity and confidence.

During our sessions, you’ll learn proven techniques and strategies to strengthen your mindset, overcome self-limiting beliefs, and cultivate a positive outlook on life. Together, we’ll address the patterns and triggers that may be holding you back, allowing you to break free from old habits and embrace new possibilities.

With consistent practice and support, you’ll emerge from the program feeling more empowered, resilient, and equipped to create the fulfilling relationships and life you deserve, setting the stage for happier and more fulfilling parenting.

Step 4: Form Your Own Support Group

Invite friends or fellow parents to create a supportive group and embark on this transformative journey together. Share experiences, growth, and accountability as you navigate the challenges and joys of parenting. Our structured group programs provide a collaborative environment where you can learn and grow together, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Parenting?

Prioritize your mental and emotional well-being and embark on a journey of growth and self-discovery for happier parenting. Explore how mental fitness parent coaching will support you in achieving your parenting goals. Together, we’ll create a fulfilling, connected, and happy family life.

Professional Journey


  • Certified Positive Intelligence Coach, Positiveintelligence.com
  • Certified UNSTUCK Coach, Shiragura.com
  • 200 RYT Yoga Teacher,  myvinyasapractice.com
  • CEO Barb’s Yoga Den
  • Nutritional Science, B.S. Degree, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT