Welcome to ‘I’m a Good Parent’

With Barb Kornbrath, Certified Mental Fitness Coach

Break free from fake parenting: Equip yourself with mindset tools for conscious and authentic parenting.

Welcome! At “I’m a Good Parent,” Barb empowers parents to confidently navigate tween and teen challenges and transitions.

If you’re stuck in reactive, fake parenting—like enforcing strict control to avoid chaos or reacting out of fear and anxiety—there’s an opportunity for change.

By embracing mental fitness, you’ll learn to pause, reflect, and shift from control to guidance, and from fear to calm confidence. Transform fake parenting into intentional parenting by reclaiming your natural strengths and becoming the best version of yourself as both a person and a parent.

Break Free from False Parenting

Parenting on autopilot, or false parenting—keeps you stuck in outdated habits, limiting your potential and your child’s growth.

But there’s a better way forward. Rediscover your truest self as a parent and unlock the skills to guide your family with confidence, ease, and joy.

Take the Free Positive Intelligence Saboteur Assessment to uncover the hidden mindset characters that may be sabotaging your parenting.

These insights will help you understand where false parenting patterns take hold and where your greatest opportunities for growth lie.

Your Personalized Path Forward: Free 60-Minute Discovery Call

Explore your parenting challenges and goals with Coach Barb in a confidential setting.

Using your Saboteur Assessment results, we’ll pinpoint how and where your mind is working against you—keeping you stuck in false parenting patterns. Let’s explore how we can work together to turn those roadblocks into opportunities for success.


Build Mental Fitness: Strengthen Your Parenting Muscles

Join Barb’s 6-12 week private or small-group coaching programs to build mental fitness—the foundation for a positive, resilient mindset.

With stronger mental muscles, you’ll find yourself solving conflicts, improving communication, and parenting through transitions with calmness, ease, and grace.

“Parenting was stressful without mental fitness. Now, I enjoy every conversation with my girls, knowing they’ll receive unconditional love.”
—Kristin, Mom of two teens

Form Your Own Group: A Supportive Path to Positive Parenting

Why go through the journey alone? Invite your friends or fellow parents to join you in a small coaching group where you’ll share experiences, support each other’s growth, and hold each other accountable.

These private group programs create a sense of community, offering a fun, unique way to embrace and practice positive parenting tips together. It’s more than coaching—it’s a shared experience that strengthens bonds and brings fresh insights into your parenting journey. Plus, it can be your next meaningful night out with fellow parents!

Group Discount: Enjoy special group rates when you bring your community along. Contact Barb for more details: barb@imagoodparent.com

Teen Anxiety Coaching: A Mental Fitness Program for Parents and Teens

Anxiety can feel overwhelming, but there is hope. Mental fitness gives both parents and teens the tools they need to manage anxiety in the moment and reduce its grip on daily life. Barb works one-on-one with parents, teens, or both to implement a proven mindset program that delivers relief where it’s needed most.

With personalized coaching, you and your teen will build the resilience to navigate anxious moments with calm and clarity, while learning how to break free from false parenting and reactive habits. Imagine parenting through difficult transitions without panic or fear.

Book a Free Discovery Call Here:



“My anxiety levels went from an ‘eight out of ten’ to a ‘four out of ten’ after only six weeks of mental fitness, and because of that, mental fitness has become a daily self-care necessity.  Another amazing outcome is being more present and enjoying as many moments with my daughters as possible without focusing on perfection.” – Ashley, Mom of two girls

“Most importantly, I’ve been able to pass on these skills to my grandchildren”

As a parent of twin teenage boys, Barb has been a breath of fresh air! She’s guided me through life as a mom. She has helped bring peace, focus, and direction into my life. We, as parents deserve to be the best version of ourselves for our families and ourselves. Never feel guilty for doing something for you.” Julie M

“With mental fitness I was able to navigate between facts and emotions in each situation”

“With mental fitness I was able to navigate between facts and emotions in each situation. Having the ability to recognize when my mind was hijacked, versus what I could control and impact, provided me with a beacon of hope. I was able to break the loop of negative emotions that would have kept me spinning in the same place.” – Heather, Mom of 4

“As a mom of two teenage daughters, raising them has been a rewarding blessing—but not without its challenges, especially with the anxiety that comes with growing up. Barb has been a huge help, teaching me mental fitness tools that have not only supported my girls but also made me a better parent. I’ve learned to pause, listen more thoughtfully, and offer different perspectives when needed. I’m more curious and less reactive, and I find something positive even in tough situations. Without mental fitness, parenting felt more stressful. Now, I genuinely enjoy every conversation with my girls, no matter the topic. I’m proud that they feel comfortable talking to me because they know I’ll respond with unconditional love.”
— Kristin